Posted here on 28/8/2012.
There is a video of this interview at
On keywords = "Juhani Lompolo Julius Nyerere"
And here, below is a transcription of the interview:
Nyerere:...for us in 1961, as a country that had immediately become
independent, what was our major ambition? Our major ambition was
obviously to survive as a nation. We have survived as a nation, we have
consolidated ourselves as a nation, and we have consolidated our
independence. I suppose really quite frankly this is our biggest
achievement. Only as an independent country could we do such a thing as
practical, raising standards of living, increasing education, and so
forth. Well I can't say we have achieved all we would have liked to
achieve. Nyerere interview with Juhani Lompololle, December 11, 1971 at the State House Dar es Salaam
26/08/2012There is a video of this interview at
On keywords = "Juhani Lompolo Julius Nyerere"
And here, below is a transcription of the interview:
Nyerere: Any settlement. Any settlement on that basis would be a sell-out. Handing over five million people to the good will of a tiny minority, and believing that this minority at some future date will hand over power to the majority. It doesn't happen.
Q: You said in Sepetember this year in this report, Tanzania has paid a heavy price in econmoic aid for her stand on these matters. But neither in relations to Britain nor any other country have we wavered on the policiies we believe to be right because of our desire to develop our country at maximum speed. Have you ever doubted?
Nyerere: Have I ever doubted our policy? Never.
Q: But you have paid a price?
Nyerere: Well surely you must pay a price for your freedom, if it is really freedom. If we wanted to remain a colony we could have remaind a colony. As a colony our responsibilities wouldn't hold. I got my grey hair in our second year of independence. My hair was balck, completely black when we became independent, and in two years it had gone grey, because of some of the problems of independence. If you don't want the problems of independence don't become indpeendt. But independence must the problems of being independent.
Q do you think that the freedom fighters will succeed?
Nyerere: Why not? If we didin't belive they will succeed then there is no point in fighting is there? There's no point in the struggle is there? Unless it is a kind of religion. There's not point in struggling for freedom unless you believe you are going to win. and if we believed these people are wasting their time, why should we be working to get support for them throughout the world. We are trying to get th world to understand this problem in southern Africa, and to understand that these people are struggling for human rights, and they must be helped until they win. If we didn't believe they have a chance of winning there is no use helping them, or trying to get ther world to help them.
Q: now this is the last final question. Mr. Karalov has suggested that you have been translating William Shakespeare to Swahili. Have you yourself been writing any poems?
Nyerere: No. Not poems in that sense, not poems in that sense of William Shakespeare. Everybody. have you ever written some verse? Everyboy, every literate person has written some verse. So that's all. This question of Shakespeare is really [classy?] you have read shakespeare, so have I. Some. I have not read Shakespeare, I have read one or two books, not more than one or two books. And then sometimes I, because of my interest, not so much because of my interest in Shakespeare, but in Swahilii. I have translated some bits of Shakespeare into Swahili because of my effort to learn Swahili rather than to translate Shakespeare.
[thanks to Chambi Chachage for sharing this via Wanazuoni Yahoo! eGroup]
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