Posted on 9/10/2012.
The Jewish war on Islam
October 9th, 2012, By Khalid Amayreh
There is an undeclared but ferocious Jewish war against Islam going
on these days. One would have to be blind and deaf to deny this brazen
In occupied East Jerusalem, government-backed Messianic Jews have
been attacking and desecrating Islamic and, to a lesser extent,
Christian holy places.
In the last few days, millenarian Jews, protected by para-military
Israel police, have been attacking and beating peaceful Muslim
worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque esplanade. The Aqsa Mosque is the third
holiest Islamic site in the world.
According to observers of Israeli behavior in Occupied Jerusalem,
the audacity and frequency of Israeli provocations at the Islamic
sanctuary increased dramatically in recent weeks.
Sheikh Ikrema Sabri, the former head of the Supreme Muslim Council,
warned that Messianic Jewish groups were "hell bent on provoking
bloodshed on a wide scale in Jerusalem."
"These religious maniacs believe that by inciting violence and
causing bloodshed, they would expedite the appearance of a mythical
Messiah who would create a world-wide Jewish empire ruled from
The extremists, who are backed by powerful religious and manifestly
fascist parties in the Israeli Knesset or Parliament, don't deny these
Moshe Feiglin, a Nazi-like Israeli politician who believes non-Jews
should be stripped of their national and political rights, including
the right to vote, this week led dozens of extremists to the Aqsa Mosque
esplanade where he called for the demolition of Islamic Holy places.
Feiglin, also a prominent figure in the ruling Likud party, was
arrested for a few minutes and then released to make further provocative
statements against Islamic shrines.
The brief arrest had nothing to do with his incitement, according to an Israeli police spokesman.
Meanwhile, Jewish religious leaders continue to make statements and
religious sermons offending Islam and Christianity. Some of the rabbis
have even ruled that the status of non-Jews in general is not higher
than that of animals such as donkeys.
Interestingly, such brashly racist statements don't raise many
eyebrows in Israel, neither among intellectuals nor politicians and
religious leaders.
Those who dare criticize the so-called "rabbinic sages" for
indulging in this Talmudic hallucination don't do so out of rejection of
Halakha or Jewish religious law, which views goyem or non-Jews, as
animals walking on two feet, but rather because what is being said is
politically wrong as could generate hostility for Jews among Gentiles.
Jewish incitement against Islam and Muslims is by no means confined
to the Palestinian arena. This week, Jewish circles posted anti-Islam
posters in four subway stations in Washington D.C.
The provocative add read:
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man,” the ad reads. “Support Israel/Defeat Jihad.”
The very same add was posted in a New York subway station two weeks ago, generating disgust and anger among Muslims.
Well, Jews are urged to thoroughly and honestly read and examine
their Talmud and Old Testament in order to find for themselves who is
Civilized and who is savage.
Anyone, Jew or gentile, can easily quote pornographically barbaric
texts from both scriptures, underscoring the utter savagery and
wickedness of religious Jewish thinking.
Jews should examine their ancient and recent history before hurling epithets of savagery and terrorism at Muslims.
Indeed, any honest comparison between Islam and Judaism would put
Islam on a decidedly higher moral ground. In the final analysis, those
living in glass houses, don't throw stones.
But the anti-Islam Jewish circles, who unfortunately seem to
represent a majority among Jews, have little concern for truth and
honesty. Their ultimate goal is to spread lies, hatred, vindictiveness
and malice.
In fact, Jews, especially those supporting Zionism or Jewish
Nazism, are probably the last people on earth who are qualified to
lecture humanity on civility and savagery.
The Jews were probably the first people on earth to carry out an
organized genocide against another people for religious reasons. The Old
Testament contains detailed records of this genocide.
Some Jewish apologists might argue that is grossly unfair to blame
contemporary Jews for controversial religious scriptures written more
than 3000 years ago.
Well, such a defensive reflex would probably be listened to were it
not for the fact that for hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of
Jews around the world, this genocidal mindset is still relevant today as
it was 3000 ago.
Don't we see and hear numerous rabbis out there who teach, even
openly, that the life of a goy (non-Jew) has no sanctity and that a Jew
might murder a gentile in order to harvest his or her organ if the Jew
needed one!
Don't you think I am speaking about some rare cases of crazy rabbis
hallucinating about ancient religious texts inside their parochial
circles... These criminal rabbis are prominent and respected in their
communities and have numerous followers, many with high college degrees
from prestigious universities.
Today, Jews incite against Islam and Muslims on five continents. Their tacit message is "hate, hate, and hate."
When you call people "savages" and "terrorists" and other names
just because they are fighting for their freedom and human rights, you
are effectively inciting to murder. Vilification and demonizing always
precede murder. Murder, including mass murder, is the ultimate fruit of
mass hatred and incitement.
Jews ought to remember in case they have forgotten that before
Auschwitz and Treblinka and Bergen Belsen, and even Kristalnacht, there
was a Mein Kampf, the Nuremberg laws and the anti-Jewish mass hysteria.
In light, one might ask: Is this anti-Islam mass hysteria what Jews
are trying to generate and produce? Are Jews trying to affect a
holocaust for Muslims in Europe, North America and Australia in order to
allow Israel to build more colonies for fanatical Jews in the West Bank
Jews reject both Islam and Christianity. The main reason for this
illogical rejection is the timeless Jewish desire to retain and maintain
the dubious prerogative of the "chosen people"
But Jews can't be more deserving of heavenly salvation than other
people just because some ancient Israelites worshiped God whereas other
peoples and nations were pagans and worshipped idols. The Almighty
doesn't calculate matters this way. God deals with men on an individual
basis. There are "chosen" individuals, not chosen people, and it doesn't
matter what ethnicity one belongs to.
Today many Jews worship power, money and sex, while others, and they are too many, worship the new Golem of Zionism, or Israel.
In the past, Jews tried and failed to poison and murder the Prophet
of Islam. They also tried to decapitate and destroy the fledgling
Muslim community in Madina by joining forces with the pagans of Arabia.
Today's Jews are doing the same thing by joining ranks with hysterical
Christian Zionists seeking world domination. This coalition of evil,
too, will fail and Islam will triumph.
But when Islam ultimately prevailed and Muslims built a huge Muslim
state based on justice and tolerance, Jews enjoyed religious, political
and economic freedoms.
Jews didn't survive all these centuries because of their power.
They survived because Islam catered for them and protected them from
danger, near and distant. It is sad that Jews are now expressing their
gratitude to Muslims by urging and instigating Westerners in America and
Europe and elsewhere to hate and kill them.
Source: The Palestinian Information Center
Khalid Amayreh
Occupied Palestine
Khalid Amayreh
Occupied Palestine
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